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In this blog, I am going to share my experience of my travels with you and tell you its useful tips.

Check these two points before traveling to foreign countries:

Travel currency: Before this, there were conditions in the country based on which you could buy a travel ticket according to your destination and receive a certain amount of travel currency. Now, with the single rate of currency, there is practically no such thing as travel currency, however, you cannot travel to foreign countries with some Rials in your hand. Therefore, be sure to convert a little of your travel budget into the currency of the destination country and take the local currency with you.

Hotel and residence: If you had to prepare a voucher to get a visa, skip this step. Otherwise, be sure to think about your accommodation and consider a suitable hotel for booking. so For hotel reservation , you can get help from travel agencies or Iranian websites that provide foreign hotels and book a suitable room in your favorite hotel.

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